Where the Fern Grows

There comes a point in the process of building a house where you find yourself either having the cash to do all the things you wanted, or (like me) not.  It’s at that time that you must decide what compromises are to be made. In our project, landscaping took a backseat to spray foam insulation and an additional bathroom.  It’s not that I don’t love landscaping… I do.  But budget dictated, and by the time the house was completed we simply could do no more than install sod and a few flowering shrubs.

However, as luck would have it, Mother Nature seems to be stepping in to help.  I planted no seeds; I tilled no soil.  Yet the ground upon which we live is alive and brimming with growth.  This lowcountry place has the innate ability to sprout beauty where there had been none.

In my previous yard I babied and finally gave up on temperamental ferns that would shrivel and brown in any weather condition not 100% to their liking.  But here, ferns are emerging from every corner with no assistance from me whatsoever.  One morning I just woke up and they were there; all green and lovely.

Rhododendron is also growing; finding their perfect homes amongst the trees.

Where the Fern Grows

And palms!  Palms that would have cost me a fortune in our previous locale (and would have died the first winter) pop up here all on their own!

Where the Fern Grows

We still need to invest time, energy and money in this massive project of a yard we’ve taken on.  But when we do, we will be sure to protect these gifts from nature we’ve been given.  And what wonderful gifts they are!