My Ode to Flip-Flops

An Ode to Flip-Flops

Flip-flop, oh flip-flop.  How I love thee so
From the back of my heel to the tip of my toe

All rubber and bendy, with colors so bright
And arch support, none — keep a podiatrist in sight!

With a flip and a flap, a flop and a flip
I run all about, and hope I don’t trip

No socks required (it actually looks weird)
Darn I got a blister, just as I’d feared

My closet overfloweth with shoes I hardly wear
But they aren’t a flip-flop; what do I care

Every type imaginable, shoes of every style
Even red stilettos not warn for quite a while

Wedges and sling-backs, peep toes and pumps
Shoe shopping always got me out of the dumps

I spent so much money, it’s almost a sin
But flip-flops are cheap, so I can buy ten!

They make me so happy to slip on my feet
Knowing that summer is here for me to greet

At the pool, on the town, and always at the beach
I leave them laying everywhere, never out of reach

I don’t care if they’re bad for me – I don’t care at all
I want to wear them always, from spring until fall

When winter is upon us, I sadly put them away
Anxiously awaiting the return of warmer days

by Melissa Christian