Better Late Than Never The sun is out.  And not just any sun – this is spring sun.  The kind of sun that takes temps from the dreary 50’s to the glorious 80’s in what seems to be a nanosecond.  It would be a perfect day to spend in the lowcountry – but alas, I am in my big southern city.  Who knew going from house plan to ground breaking could be a four month process – certainly not I.

So many things come into play before a single nail is struck by a hammer.  Engineering and permits and board approvals…and the inevitable delays I was warned about by others who have traversed the murky waters of the build process.  As an impatient person, waiting is difficult for me.  As an impatient person who hates winter, the past few months have been torturous.

Mother Nature, whose prescription for Zoloft apparently expired, reared an angry and bitter head this winter.  Teaming up with the Abominable Snow Monster, this fearsome duo lashed out at everything and everyone in their paths, covering every surface with sheets of ice.   They liked it here so much, they came twice in a matter of weeks before heading back to the tundra where they belong.  Howling winds and rains and ice and snow – and one very scary seven hour commute  – truly the winter of my discontent.

But, that’s all over now.   The sun is out.  And soon that hammer will strike a nail, bringing shape to our new home and the start of our life in the salt air.  Better delayed than never.